In previous post I yesterday I wrote that new BizTalk 2010 exam is out. And you may figure how to prepare as in preparation material nothing is mentioned.Let’s look at what skills are measured. In a nutshell these topics are: Configuring messaging architecture (setup, manage ports, configure adapters, implement messaging solutions); Developing BizTalk Artefacts (building orchestrations, create schema’s, maps and pipelines); Debugging and Exception Handling (debug orchestrations, validate and test artefacts like schema’s, maps, pipelines); Integrating Web Services and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Services (WCF Adapters); Implementing Extended Capabilities (this is the BAM, BRE, RFID and EDI part); Deploying, Tracking, and Supporting a BizTalk Solution (Installation in different kinds of scenario’s, deployment of applications, bindings). You can find a lot of resources that can help in preparation through BizTalk Development Center like the BizTalk tutorials for EA