White paper on WCF-BasicHttpRelay adapter

In the new adapters series I discussed the adapters released with BizTalk Server 2013. I demonstrated the relay adapters (HTTP, NetTcp), Service Bus Messaging, WebHttp (REST) and linked to the TechNet Wiki article on SFTP. I have written a White paper that discusses the BasicHttpRelay more in-depth.

BizTalk Server 2013 offers a few new adapters. Three of them enable connectivity with the Windows Azure Service Bus. These adapters are the WCF-BasicHttpRelay, WCF-NetTcpRelay, and SB-Messaging. The first two leverage the ability to use the Service Bus Relay. The relay service is one of the entities within the Windows Azure Service Bus. Benefits of using the relay service are that:
  • you can share data between an on premise application, Line-of-Business system or databases with a service hosted elsewhere (in the cloud or other enterprise);
  • you have a secure connection between both sender and receiver of datawith simplified networking (less dealing with firewalls, dynamic IP addresses or Network Area Translation (NAT));
  • you can easily set up a listener in Windows Azure Service Bus through BizTalk Server 2013 or .NET using WCF-BasicHttpRelay or WCF-NetTcpRelay.

You can find more here:





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